Showing posts with label HbA1c test. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HbA1c test. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

The art of masking

We are all learning new skills from this Corona virus.  South Africa has just shifted from level 5 to level 4 lock down, and it is now mandatory to wear a face mask .  So, our challenge is to make suitable, comfortable, effective masks, and to learn the art of wearing them.

The making was not too difficult.  There are plenty of instructions on YouTube, and being the hoarder that I am, I just happened to have quilting cotton, the lining filter material, and a softer cotton for comfort on the skin side.  And some elastic. (Should the virus require us to make anything out of old buttons, different length zips, beads, bits of coloured glass, scraps of ribbon and wool or anything else of that genre, I will be ready too....I really MUST do a clean out sometime soon.)

The wearing of them is where the real skill lies. President Ramaphosa shared the first challenge with the nation (and the world) when he struggled to put his mask on during a live TV screening.
He was gently teased, and, showing off true leadership skills, managed to get the country laughing together with him. The top down approach works best for me.  I put the elastic around my ears, and place the mask over my eyes, and wiggle it down to cover my nose and mouth.  I quite enjoy wearing my mask.  It makes communicating with ones eyes all the more important, or not communicating at all quite acceptable.  It is also a bit like playing the broken telephone game, where words get distorted through the layers, and you have to guess what is being said, or you can pretend to hear whatever you want to hear.  It also, I find, helps me concentrate on mindful breathing.  The in and out are more audible to the self, and I can feel the air going in and out, in and out, slow-it-down- in and lonnng out.

 It is not all a bed of roses though.  Sometimes we need to be heard properly, say, for example when I was collecting TDs meds from the pharmacy. ( I have taken to writing it all down, and shoving the piece of paper on the counter.)  Or sometimes we need to sneeze, and then there is a mask-full of trouble.  The nose drip is a challenge too, as is the unscratchable itch. I am sure as we get more used to wearing these masks we will conquer these challenges.

The challenges I  am struggling with at the moment that can't be adjusted with elastic or practise, are things like the schooling situation.  There have been so many iterations of when the schools will be opened, that nobody knows what is happening.  It is time, maybe, to separate schooling from education.  I am doubting TD will be able to go back to the classroom any time soon.... Diabetes T1 is high risk, as elevated Hblc levels (long term glucose control) seem to play a part in hindering recovery from COVID 19.  Anything above 6.5 is considered risky.  TD's latest level is considerably higher.  But that doesn't mean her education must be compromised.  I think I read somewhere that education is all the bits of the school curricula that you remember 10 years later - the important stuff.  We will have to concentrate on that.  The fact that she is missing the fun aspects of school is very sad indeed, but we choose life.  Giving up concerts and dances and outings is a small price to pay.

Our first masked walk!
As we greet each other through masks, please look deeply into other people's eyes.  People are difficult to read if we can't see smiles or frowns or worried looks, and some people find it hard to ask for help.  And not all masks are made from cloth either - people are often good at hiding what is bothering them.  If you can, support each other, especially those with sad eyes.  And to those with shiny eyes, hiding the tears - risk taking off your mask for a moment and let others know what would help. We are all learning new skills from this Corona virus.

Friday, 26 April 2019

Fuzzy lines

Ed Sheeran toured South Africa last month.  TD and friends, being star struck fans, had booked tickets last July to see him live in Cape Town.  She (and Andrew) enjoyed the evening very much.  I mention this only because we had double booked the date.  TD was meant to see her (still wonderful) endocrinologist on the same evening as the concert. Dr M agreed that it would be more difficult for Ed to change his dates to suit TD, so she graciously rescheduled the appointment.

I find some doctors intimidating.  But Dr M is gentle, kind, compassionate and an intuitive listener (as well as being an expert in her field).  Despite this, sometimes my heart feels a bit heavy as we troop into her office.  TD's glucose numbers, as you will have gathered from recent posts, have been on the high side. Visits to the endocrinologist are about every three months, and the Hb1c test (that measures the average glucose levels over a three month period) is used as a benchmark of sorts as to how well the diabetes has been handled in between visits.  At the end of 2018, before the CGM, it was 7.5 - significantly higher than the golden standard of 5.6 to 6.6.  This time it had crept up to 7.9. To be honest I thought it would be higher, but this is still damagingly high.  There is no judgement regarding this number.  I know that. And yet....   And yet I feel I should have done more to help TD with the diabetes control.  Of course, the number is a tool to see how the sugars are being handled and to work out systems to achieve and maintain better control.

Tresiba Insulin pen
Dr M suggested we change the type of long acting insulin.  Not all insulins are made equal, and continuing research is providing better formulations of insulin.  The one the endo suggested is called Tresiba, and it is meant to be the most effective for steadying the glucose line.  It sounded  just like what TD needs.  It is also more tolerant of fuzzy times - it is given only once every 24 hours, and if that stretches to 27 hours that is fine too.

You know what this means!  TD, Andrew and I sat wide eyed and open- mouthed thinking about the possibility of sleeping later than the usual 5.45 am that has been our pattern these past 4 years.  Think of weekends and holidays!  Think of a morning lie in!

Of course, the main reason for changing is that it should help to stabilize TD's glucose numbers.  The roller coaster Ups and Downs impact her everyday life in a way that most people cannot comprehend. Here's hoping Tresiba is a great leveler.

Fuzzy clouds.....because why not!!
I called this post fuzzy lines because another thing our visits to the doctor emphasize is that, although it is definitely TD 's diabetes and her need to handle it, we, as her parents are partners with her in her health and happiness.  So the lines become fuzzy.  Diabetes is part of all our lives.  We have always tried, and continue to try, to give TD as much independence as is safe and as much privacy as is possible.  The boundaries between children and parents are sometimes rather blurry - we want to hold them close and let them fly all at the same time.  Those blurry lines contain so many pixels of infinity, so many shadows of experience.  And the squiggly shape of those fuzzy lines is a complete circle of  love.

I will let you know how the new insulin works.....after my Saturday lie-in.

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Magical Science

The Science fiction author, Arthur C Clarke famously wrote :"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." I think I know what he meant.  There is a specific blood test that - magically/ scientifically - can give a measure of the average blood glucose level during the last three months. The science part is that it measures how much glucose binds to the red blood cells, and red blood cells circulate around your body for about three months.  The magic part is that you can prick your finger, take a blood sample and three minutes later a magic box prints the information for you on a sticker.  This is called the HbA1c test.

TD visits her endocrinologist about every three months and this is one of the tests and checks that keep her safe.  People like me who are lucky enough to have a functioning pancreas, should have a three month average of  of blood glucose of between 4.5 -6.5 mmol/l. And that is a yardstick for diabetic control too.  But it is not that simple.  TD's last HbA1c result was 6.6.  This is good - it means that high sugars are not doing long term damage to kidneys, eyes and nerves.  But the endocrinologist was a bit nervous, as some of TD's daily readings had been quite high (exams, feeling ill, teenage hormones - the usual culprits of high sugars!!), so where were the lows to give such a satisfactory average?  Because TD is not wearing a CGM, we only have the information from her finger prick tests to work from - all the times inbetween are a blank page.  Undetected lows are a problem.  They are scary.  Could TD be going low in the middle of the night, and if so - how low is she going?  We need to know.

The options were either to wear a CGM for a few weeks, or for us parents to do the 2am tests for a while.  TD chose the latter.  So far, so good - no middle of the night lows (a 5.6 last night which meant she could have nighttime chocolate to see her through to morning...).  But this method of testing does not give the full picture.  For that, TD will have to let go of her fear and dislike of technology and wear a monitor for a while.  

Science and magic is not such a strange combination.  I think one sparks the other, creating an environment where imagination triumphs.  We need both in our lives - solid facts to ground us and tell us our boundaries, and a little magic to enable us to dream of different futures and keep us company on the 2am shifts.  

PS: Arthur C Clarke also said  "The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible".  Doesn't that sound like a T1 journey?