Sunday, 22 April 2018


It's been a low energy sort of month for me.  One when I have needed Elgar and Chocolate and Sleep. Luckily it was Easter - so chocolate was everywhere in abundance.  Equally luckily it was school holidays, so we could sleep in an extra hour or two.  TD did not overindulge in Easter chocolate - she ate one treat only. Nevertheless her two weekly download of meter readings, which we send off to her endocrinologist, showed a record number of stubborn highs.  Something needed to change.  We upped the morning Lantus (long acting insulin) dose.  We tried to be more carb - clever : difficult over the Holiday Season, but nothing much helped. 

Until it dawned on me.  The problem might be that it wasn't dawning on me!  We were getting up at 7.30am instead of the usual 5.45.  My theory is that this threw out the whole daily schedule - TD was getting her Lantus too late in the morning, and maybe it was pushing all her numbers high.  It's just a theory - what do you think?  Possible? Probable?  It has been a stressed family time too, so maybe That was the cause of elevated sugars?  TD is growing - could that be the reason? Or is it just a fairly random bodily function that is hard to predict and so hard to control?  Who knows.  (Perhaps you do - in which case please share your thoughts!)

I guess what I am saying is that we simply don't know so much and yet somehow things level out.  TD's numbers are back in the usual range this week. (more or less.)  She was tired of being on a glucose high and took control in getting back on the level.  She made extra efforts to look after herself.

Sometimes I have to remember that when we are on a bumpy ride, things will eventually even out.  I also need to remember that this leveling is both a function of time and a conscious effort to take care.  I can't be completely passive, but nor can I stress about the natural cycle of unpredictability of life.

Elgar's music - particularly his cello concerto (in E minor, opus 85) speaks to me in a deeply profound way.  The tempo and mood resonate with something in the tension I feel, and externalizes it for me.  And once it is out, it can dissipate and leave me calmer.

So both TD and I are starting the week on  more level ground.  She is listening to Emo music (21 Pilots, Imagine Dragons and Panic at the Disco! - and no, I haven't heard of any of these groups)  I am listening to the Love Actually soundtrack...

But if you come to visit and hear Elgar blasting out - please bring chocolate.


  1. No sound of Elgar reverberating from next door! Think you are on to somethimg 'bout morning time shift. Choccie at the ready along with a shared cuppa of tea asap, my friend!

    1. Thanks, Becca. I will take you up on that offer of tea soon!
