Wednesday, 2 August 2017

The High Life and low life

I wish I had a better understanding of the Highs and lows, the whys and wherefores of a teenager withT1 diabetes. Hypoglycemia (too little glucose) and hyperglycemia (too much glucose) are everyday buddies of my Teenage Daughter (TD for short). Some patterns I can see, but others seem so random! One test she is floating in the glucose teens and the next she has sunk to the scary threes.  I get frustrated with my own lack of ability to predict what's next, my own inadequacy in helping and bewilderment at the power of the body.  I have always been a believer in the mind/body synergy - the importance of linking heart with health (in a practical way) and now, seeing glucose swing with fear, sadness, happiness, anger, there is concrete confirmation of this.The adrenal system is activated with extreme emotion and this obviously has physical effects. Now I can just see it in numbers on a monitor.  In a detached way, it is all very interesting, but in an honest moment here - it makes me raw with fear and sadness.  Unlike TD, my pancreas deals with all these emotions and my body copes to a degree.

I am lucky - TD is usually quite open emotionally.  She will say, " I am sad today, and I don't know why." or "I am feeling strange right now."  Like most every other mother in the world, I want to take it away and make it all better.  And I know I can't.  So I enfold her in my arms, and hold her and let her know I am there.  It seems horribly inadequate, but it is the best I can do.

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